Leah Hawkins: Flirty, Fit, and Fabulous

Leah Hawkins moved to L.A. with a dream and danced her way to the top! Her beauty and grace wows the audience but odn’t worry, she’s got that spice everyone should have! She found herself on “Flirty Dancing” where it was even better than she could have imagined! Working every day, Hawkins is ready for whatever life throws at her!
Tell us about yourself and the journey you took to this exact moment in your life?
I am 26 years old, born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. Two amazing parents and two younger sisters. Performing has been in my nature since I could move. Growing up, I always danced around in the living room or performed scenes from Disney movies on the fireplace. I went to college at Missouri State University and graduated with my BFA in Acting and moved to LA a few months later. I’ll say impulsivity and following my heart got me to where I am today. Following wherever this life is taking me.
What inspired you to be on “Flirty Dancing?”
I saw an ad scrolling through Facebook one day that included a questionnaire for a new show. I followed my gut and filled it out. I thought, “What could it hurt?” I answered one of the questions about my ideal first date with the “April 23rd” quote from Miss Congeniality.
Did it go as you thought it would?
It went better than I thought it would! I knew it was going to be fun but I couldn’t imagine how much fun I’d have. I wish everyone could have the experience of meeting a stranger and performing an entire dance routine together. It felt like High School Musical but in real life.
What surprised you about the experience you had on the show?
It really surprised me how careful we had to be to not cross paths with our date. I practiced a lot of patience waiting for it to be my turn to go into the rehearsal space and especially on dance day. I kind of felt like a spy trying to see if I could spot him before I met him.
What has been the most impactful part of being on the show?
The whole experience itself was the most impactful part, in my opinion. I always like to remind myself that it was a once in lifetime opportunity. I don’t think I will ever get to experience a moment like that ever again.
What dance experience did you have prior to being on “Flirty Dancing?”
I’ve been dancing my whole life. I took a couple classes in college and dance whenever I can out here in LA.
Since being on the show, what did you take away from the experience?
I need to always trust my gut and follow my heart. Even if it was some random ad I saw scrolling one day, I’m truly grateful that I filled it out.
Who was your favorite person to work with on set?
I really got along with Allison. She was the absolute coolest. Also, special shoutout to Laura and Emily, who were basically my babysitters each day they helped me out a bunch.
What was your favorite part about being on the show?
The camaraderie from the other people who participated. We didn’t spend any real time together, but we share a mutual level of understanding and probably anxiousness that has impacted each of us in a way. I feel like I’m part of this small “Flirty Dancing” community and I like keeping up with people through social media.
What is your dream role?
I have many. I would love to be in a TV sitcom, I’ve been told I’m Rachel Green in really life. I also absolutely idolize Helena Bonham Carter and her role as Bellatrix Lestrange. If I could play ANY role, it would be a female joker. Not like Harley Quinn, but a Heath Ledger style Joker, I’d have a blast.
What’s your favorite thing you’ve done since the show?
Being able to jump back into everyday life. Along with getting the opportunity to share my experience while meeting some really cool, talented people recently.
By Alexandra Bonnet