« Airplane Mode » by Netflix

For the social media addicted…
“Airplane Mode” is available since January 23rd on Netflix. The movie is focused to millennials, who are on their phones all the time, and idolize influencers on Instagram. The misuse of social networks affects young people in today’s society. To be “disconnected”, to find oneself without Wi-Fi or mobile network becomes a real torture for them…
The Netflix film is about Anna’s life, a very popular Brazilian girl online and regularly puts her online persona before her own health. After several accidents thanks to using her phone, Ana’s boyfriend publicly breaks up with her while broadcast online for likes and hits. It’s one step too far for this influencer and she winds up in a head-on collision as she argues on her phone while driving home. With some damning charges against her, Ana is forced to give up her phone. A stay at his Grandfather’s house in the countryside awaits him to digital detox…
A perfect movie for the ones who are always busy with their phone and to make them think about the risks. This movie shows how a modern town girl is so addicted to her phone that she doesn’t see anything beyond it…The film takes a predictable course of showing a girl’s transformation, as she gets in touch with her real self while doing away with the toxic bits of life.
The ending adequately brings Ana’s story to a fitting conclusion, in helping her find her place in life, learning to give and accept love, and realizing the things in life which are real.
“Airplane Mode” is a romantic film about an important in today’s society.
Click here to watch the official trailer.
By Justine Duclaux
Photo : Netflix