Kaila Shines In Long Beach for ElecticSea Fundraising Event

Kaila Methven wearing Dulce Bestia
This past weekend, on Sunday March 1st 2020, entrepreneur, philanthropist, fashion designer, model, host and current CEO of the Madame Methven lingerie brand Kaila Methven hosted the ElectricSea fundraising event in support of the Marine Mammal Care Center (MMCC) Los Angeles. Held at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California, Kaila Methven stood in front of 500+ attendees, promoting the event’s cause, announcing DJs in attendance and meeting with guests and vendors that have come together to raise funds for a great cause. Alongside Amber Becerra of the Marine Mammal Care Center and Cody Harvey of Frenzy Factory, the night was able to successfully raise $40,000+ to support the rehabilitation and medical care of sea lions, seals and other mammals currently in the care of the facility. Aiming to raise $1,000,000 to fund the project by July 1st, the organization has currently raised $800,0000 out of the desired $1,000.000.
Amongst others, the List of DJs who performed include: Mr. Kitty, Annalog, AI, Barcode, Cole Knight, Cory Enemy, Fluencee, Jacob Luttrell, Kirsten Collins, Lana Love, Lerome Swiss, Munz, Namanicks, Sleepless Kid, WhuDat, and Wizard.
Kaila’s philanthropic ventures continue with the recent launch of the Madam Methven PLUR Association in support of the LGBT+ Community. The Madam Methven PLUR Association, which is an acronym for “Peace Love Unity Respect” recognizes the need for respect, diversity, inclusion, equality and a sense of unity for all gender or sexual orientation in the workplace. Inspired by her support of the LGBT+ community and her love for her friends and community, Kaila has launched the Association to provide a professional venue for members of the community to find employment, rebuild their lives in a healthy and productive environment and gain some financial freedom and stability.